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[SPOILERS] Goodbye to a World | Undertale MAP | Part 14

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Uploaded to YouTube by: shoelazy
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 12 August 2018
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 11 December 2015



STOP. You CANNOT repost this on any website, INCLUDING YouTube, Instagram, Vine, and Tumblr. I worked really hard on this animation and I'd prefer if I got credit for it?? Reposting it does NOT help it get recognition. If anything, it hurts the artist, and I really dislike how this has exploded and is being posted everywhere. Please leave it alone and support it ONLY here, on its OFFICAL release. I created this animation thanks!!!!!

The song is goodbye to a world by porter Robinson JESUS

for this super cool MAP!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTnSTgVzbTE

emma and i collabed for this part!! she did the storyboard and i animated it 8) see her part here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_HMlqVJP-Y

so this took a....rly loNG TIME !! probably the most time I've spent on a MAP part but hey i gotta do my best for flowey ;')
i've been working on and off on this for the past few months since the MAP came out..it was sitting half finished for a few weeks until this past week i decided to get off my ass and finish it lmaO
i ended up redrawing a few things from the beginning cos it was so old..hA
im actually really proud of this while at the same time i feel like i could've done better?? but tHANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR THE GREAT FEEDBACK SO FAR RLY...IM SCREAMING