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New York City Traffic II, 1928 [Dubbed Sound]

Uploaded to YouTube by: Speed Graphic Film and Video
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 19 May 2023
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 28 March 2020

Tags: 1920s, New York


A Thursday in December on Fifth Avenue as the Christmas shopping season begins. It's 1928, and the well-dressed crowds are feeling prosperous. Fifth Avenue's famous double-decker buses go north and south, while the Streetcars ply 42nd Street east and west. In the midst of it all, sanitation workers in their white uniforms attempt to keep the street clean.
The original film was silent, so I have dubbed in sound from an old recording of 42nd Street and Broadway. It's not quite period-correct (there are too many electric horns and not enough klaxons), but it will do.