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【Huions Kinda Suck】

Uploaded to YouTube by: Chiibe
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 6 July 2020
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 29 October 2018



I've used multiple Huion tablets, here's my bad experiences with them. Here's an honest look at these tablets
Now this isn't meant to be a Huion smear campaign, this is just a video detailing every single issue i've had with Huion tablets and my complete uncut opinions. I've been wanting to make this since I actually got the tablet last year after I wasn't really allowed to give a full honest opinion in my "review", but I was holding off on making this, but after my fourth cable broke recently I figured, FUCK IT... I want people to know that these tablets can and will be a pain ass sometimes and before you sink £500 into one of these I think it's fair that you know what you're getting into.

That being said, if you've had a good experience with you Huion tablets please let me know, I'd love to hear about people that got a little more lucky than I did, and to be fair I'm incredibly unlucky when it comes to technology....

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