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Life Force Design, Sacred Architecture, FRACTAL GEOMETRY! - DAN WINTERS

Uploaded to YouTube by: MANA_STAR Network
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 12 August 2018
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 18 January 2017



A great 2009 presentation on Life Force Design!
This is where we are going..
An age of applied fractal architecture and technology.. where the energy is distributed for life to grow and unfold as the intelligence of nature always intended.. GOD is NATURE and NATURE is the very fractal relationships where charge is compressed and distributed , received and transmitted.. through various crystalline substances.. and biological materials which originate from the space where all probability and potential resides. WE ARE SHAPED BY OUR ENVIRONMENT. And our health relies on our environment. If our environment isn't fractal, harmonic and in tune with the Universal, then the body has problems and today we all have problems.. we all have pains and blockages and it is directly linked to the energetic programming of our buildings, space, air, food, societal consciousness... its all connected... so now we return to the divine code.. the divine language which is our DNA transcript.. the pentagonal, hexagonal, alignments which breathe the life force .. which distribute the charge .. which direct the charge for constructive growth in cellular systems..

Dan Winter - Life-Force Design and Sacred Geometry in Architecture

LIFE FORM CONFERENCE, Coed Hills, Wales, Oct. 2009