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Veil of Ignorance [Bo2, MA APP]

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Uploaded to YouTube by: sechsuhrmorgens
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 5 February 2018
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 5 May 2014



Better Quality: http://puu.sh/8AzZu.mp4

Welcome to my masterpiece on which I worked as hard as on no other edit before. It was a cold and dark winternight when I started this edit as an experiment. Okay it wasn't cold nor dark but this was meant as an experiment where I try to do something else. Something I've never did before. I think this is the first time where I can say, I produced something outstanding for my own standards before.

For the edit itself: I tried to create and use some more effects since I didn't do that before. I was always like, no I can't do shit in Vegas. But I've decided to give it a closer look and I saw what fool I was, proclaiming such stupid things. I tried to create a certain constancy of effects, in quality and appearance. I did pretty much concentrate on this whole hue/minmaxblur thing, together with masking. I'm sure I didn't execute it perfectly, there are some passages where the masking could've been smoother etc. But I am really happy with the outcome, as you might have noticed.

I decided to app to Mount Arcadia because I felt that I should just try it. I really doubt that I get accepted, a reapp-answer would be great though. From when MA was firstly announced I knew, that this would be a great team, even if it's pretty inactive from time to time. Even if it would mean that I had to leave my both other awesome teams, Vanquish and Grande, I knew I just had to try MA to see if I can do it.

Great thanks to all the people from skype which gave me feedback and helped me get this far. I want to thank apoq in special because he did a great job giving feedback on my previews. :) Cheers apoq! Also I would like to thank the PBC (ProBrezelClub), the most exclusive skype chat ever for exisiting. I decided not to upload the clips because I realized that the clips folder is a mess. Maybe next edit. :)

Leave some feedback and like if you enjoyed what you saw. :)

MountArcadia: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYaE...
Owaah's Contest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0EJc...
Eban's and Calum's Contest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEJgL...
Players: Zura, Passive