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LoLFortress SneakPeek

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Uploaded to YouTube by: REsidentVille
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 22 September 2016
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 23 February 2012



CONGRATULATIONS for finding the sneakpeek of the upcoming parody. Price on Description. (PS. I MADE AHRI 9 TAILED, BUT THE OTHER 3 ARE AT THE BACK OF THE OTHER TAILS)

1. It is still at 10% completion.
2. If I reached 5000+ subscribers, I must at least do a thank you video first before uploading this. Thank you video details on #3.
3. Give out suggestions in your comment for a collab of your ideas on LoL Parodies, I'll choose as much as 10-20 best parodies or suggestions you will give out.
4. What I liked so far,
a. Dr.Swain House
b. Red Card Redemption
c. Legends Row
d. Rammus the hedgehog and Ahri the tails
7. LoL Effect
5. I've received messages from lots of great icons including
a. EpicMealTime (Bacon Strips!)
b. McRooster (inventor of this is why we hate)
c. Rubberfruit (grandmaster of TF2 Randomness)
d. UberHaxorNova (Gay Tony references)
e. Two Best Friends (Malph and Panth reference)
I'll post them at the thank you video too.
6. Here is original: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tfZ5iwb-mI