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NEXT WOW EXPANSION LEAKED?! World of Warcraft: The Veil of Shadows 8.0

Uploaded to YouTube by: BananaRaccoon
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 6 December 2022
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 10 August 2017



So it's that time again, with Gamescom in just a few weeks and Blizzcon around the corner the quote on quote expansion leaks are popping up in every WoW fan forum around the internet. I generally try to avoid these so called leaks as they're usually just fake and look like poor fan-fiction. However, one caught my eye today as it's been on a lot of WoW and MMO websites like MMORPG.com which made me look in to it. Now, take this with a grain of salt...

World of Warcraft: Veil of Shadows [LEAKED NEW WOW EXPANSION'>

Character details include:

Customizable skills through the Forge of Illumination?
New weapon types
New combat animations
New class/weapon combos
Flails, pistols and spellbound weapons
New Race/Class combos: Pandaren Death Knights; Human Shaman; Troll & Night Elf Paladins, Draenei & Tauren Warlocks and Pandaren Druids
Expanded character customization options including new textures, models, animations and voices
World details:
Dark Titan of the nascent Azeroth Titan
Location: Isle of Kul'Tiras
Lady Jaina Proudmoore asks Horde & Alliance for help in her native home
Location: The Dragon Isles - controlled by the Infinite Dragonflight
Location: Nazjatar
Heroes & Villains
Pillars of Creation
Queen Azshara
Magni Bronzebeard - he has been decieved
Hakkar the Soulflayer
Highkeeper Odyn and Ra
The Infinite Dragonflight
Jaina Proudmoore
Moira Darkiron
Sylvanas & Alleria Windrunner
Admiral Genn Greymane
Other features:
videos, comics, screens, wallpapers, videos
1-110 scaling
Quests, dungeons and raids upgraded throughout the game
120 level cap
New dungeons, raids and world bosses

--- Links ---

http://www.mmorpg.com/world-of-warcraft/news/rumor-next-expansion-details-leaked-veil-of-shadows-1000045161#pw3EYzQOC2DW4JwS.99 (for more info on WoW expansion leak)
https://lootcrate.com/bananaraccoon (Use code: BANANA on checkout for 10% off)
https://www.cryptickgaming.com (Cryptick Gaming)

--- My Favourite World of Warcraft Channels ---

Nixxiom (World of Warcraft Machinima): https://www.youtube.com/SiverlinedPro
Nobbel (World of Warcraft Lore): https://www.youtube.com/Nobbel87
The Lazy Peon (MMO First Impressions and World of Warcraft Top 10s: https://www.youtube.com/ALazyPeon
Rag Tagg (World of Warcraft comedy): https://www.youtube.com/Ragtaggwow
Preach Gaming (World of Warcraft PvE Guides and Discussions): https://www.youtube.com/user/mikepreachwow
Asmongold (World of Warcraft Discussions and Guides like Gold making guides and achievement guides): https://www.youtube.com/VertualExchange