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[MZ] Video Game Review Review 02 - Polygon's Virginia Review

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Uploaded to YouTube by: The Mystery Zone
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 13 September 2018
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 27 October 2016



Okay, so here's an addendum/supplement to this rant that I should've included in the video, but maybe lacked the preparedness to express.

When you're rating a video game I think it's important to rate it by three things that can make up a game: Gameplay (are the mechanics good? does it flow? is it fun? maps, items, features, etc), Aesthetics (video and sound design), and Story. Story is not a must but does make an experience better. That aside, Gameplay and Aesthetics go hand-in-hand, as aesthetics can boost the gameplay to be more functional or easier to handle with cues.

When you take something like Virginia and say "I like that it doesn't have any video game elements in it", essentially saying "it doesn't have gameplay", you're rating it solely on its aesthetics (which no longer has a function in gameplay) and its story. Compare that to a game like, say, Shadow Warrior 2 which you're rating its Gameplay (a huge chunk of your review will be this), Aesthetics and Story as its package. No Gameplay Movie got a 9 out of 10 and Mostly Gameplay Game got a 7. How do you now compare the two and put these two reviews side by side? It would be disingenuous, in my opinion, to do so.

IMO interactive movies like Virginia, Gone Home, Dear Esther, etc should be separated from games because the two are completely different experiences. I do not think any less of these titles listed, but I think lumping them with games doesn't really work. These titles can stand out on their own as their own things and trying to label them as video games garners only half-effort praise from video game journalists looking to push an agenda.

Hope that helps.

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