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The Team Fortress 2 Two-Word Story

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Uploaded to YouTube by: Max Schapiro
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 14 January 2018
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 17 May 2010




This is it, folks! My 100th video and very late 1000/2000 subscriber video!

Taken from a thread in the Steam TF2 Forums in which each poster posted 2 words of a story and inspired by the Great "Half-Life: Full Life Consequenses," this incoherent tale will have you on the edge of your seat screaming "what the hell did I just see?" Becuase nothing in this video makes sense. Ever.
Special thanks to Steam Forum Member Benjamuffin for getting the whole thing started and for the vocals! :D

Enjoy! Please rate, comment, and ESPECIALLY subscribe!

The original thred: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php%3Ft%3D1233886
The original compiling of the story: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php%3Ft%3D1234996

"The Spy ate a delicious moist pie. But there was just one little secret.
That little secret was that the Heavy had realized that the Pyro was an alien. But noone loved him, so he came to the capture point and slept under the old bridge. Snoring loudly while dreaming about the medics fine posture and his hat. Suddenly , dinosaurs ate the hats! Which scared the FaN-Scout. "Aaaaawww skeet!" yelled the sentry, while dispensing Scouts.

The Spy killed the Scout's Mother, after he ate pancakes. "Why me!?" Shouted the Engineer. "That mean briefcase and ugly house are with the amazing Dark People!" he continued, from the arena_badlands spawn room. The Scout FaNed the sentry gun. "Noob ROFL!" he said as he taunted maniacally. The Scout then sucked and ate all the Sandviches for money. Money to buy more Sandviches!

"Valve sucks!" said the reindeer, after he saw a house full of idlers. The Announcer said "Overtime!" but the idlers were deaf, so they didn't know what to idle for. The Announcer was very horny and killed a bear with her lips and idlers. Then Saxton Hale roared "NINJAAS ASDFaFAS!" and proceeded to slaughter hippies while the Scout's Mother sucked his lollipop.

Meanwhile the Heavy's gun was touched, and the boomer-bile was being drunk by the Demoman, after he had managed open a Scrumpy Store. "Yum sentry flavor!" said the Pyro's Brain-slug. (Who secretly deals drugs to kiddies. But he never used his axe or flare gun, because that damn Spy stole his beanie!) "Need more stickies!" said the Civillian. "A dispenser is needed" said the Scout. And then! An Engineer proceeded to build TEN dispensers! Right before the Pyro came in and killed everyone with a RAWKIT LAWNCHAIR.

Despite logic, that Soldier really hates anyone that uses his tea set, that is located in the intelligence room in the back of 3fort. 3fort which is a nonexistent and rather illogical place. Because 3fort is not in TF2's very good map system, because it resembles Snorlax. "WUT?" said the teleporter, before it got destroyed by a sentry gun.

The new drop system is cool and the God people made it. "Random is not random!" They shouted and cried the whole river of tears, because they still had no Pyro plushies. Even though they had a factory for pills and hats, that Louis never saw. That's why noone can run away from him, because the rocket launcher is better in hell!

The Scout yelped, because of Sandvich. The Heavy then ate the Scout's dog-tags. "Pills here!" Louis overdosed. Yesterday evening after the Medic gave the Soldier aids. The Medic then exploded the Sandvich, which cried "MEDIC!" despite the presidential election which was scrub trash. Then, John was Spy and disguised. He plasmafied at twelve o'clock while riding a choo-choo train set.

Then a damn Spy attempted to fire a Dalokohs bar out of his bunghole, which automatically exploded. Making a KABBBBBBBBBOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMM. Go BLU, unless RED is with a sledge hammer. "YOU FAIL!" said the Scout's Mother who was actually the RED Spy's Sister, who mostly loved big bowels. The BLU Spy found out he had inflamed bowels, that looked beautiful.

"KA BOOOM!" the Demoman screamed. As he ooga booga'd. But a wild Pokemon was wild! So he ooga booga'd. But the Bio Saw made fun of the Heavy and Sascha. But then! They all did died.

The End."