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League of Legends Parody - What's Geming On?

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Uploaded to YouTube by: REsidentVille
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 22 September 2016
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 4 April 2012

Tags: League of Legends, animation, parody, comedy, song, music


And you thought Taric couldn't be any gayer than this.

PS. I haven't watch any He Man show, but I know only the veigar looking friend, his cat, his sword, skeletor and him.

Taric as He Man
Nyandalee as his pet tiger
Tryn as that guy with porn mustache
Sion as Skeletor
Trundle as the troll
Nunu as the yeti
Swain as that bird lady

Full version of What's Geming on from the April Fools Special.

There are lots of easter eggs in the video that has references to almost all of my past works and videos.
Because easter eggs are actually fun to find, here are the complete set and reasons behind the easter eggs.

1. First 15 seconds is in the april fool's special
2. # - Meet the Medic (From LoL Fortress), Nyandalee (Nyandalee)
3. # Brolaf Flying towards sky (From being hit by giant Alistar in Elder Trolls Bromacia)
4. # Demacian Island Logo
5. # Beware of Trundle in the Jungle ('The Demacians' as Jarvan Bart writes in board)
6. # Usual Trollfaces
7. # Gemcraft (from 1 of the choices to do in (Elder Trolls Bromacia)
8. # Lemon and Orange from (League of Portals Parody)
9. # Jarvan Cena vs The Ryze (end of (April Fools Special)
10. # Pokeball (PokeLoL)
11. # Kassadin and Malzahar from (Men in Void)
12. # Angry Anivia Bird from (Angry Legends)
13. # (Garen in Bush (Pokelol Ending)
14. # (johnny Mundo) Toy
15. # (Nasus Spice)
16. # Keg from (Gragas of the Hill Intro Parody)
17. # Master Yi sword from (Samurai Yi)
18. # (PowerPuff Yordles) beams
19. # Kayle Flying from (Justice League of Legends)
20. # Chogath outline shadow on lower left (PeanutButter Chogath Time)
21. # (Power Elixir)
22. # Me Gusta
23. # Creeper Bomb From (LoL Fortress Demoyordle)
24. # (Elder Scrolls Bromacia) Wallpaper
25. # (League of Portals) logo
26. # Warwick from (Angry Legends)
27. # Twitch from (Angry Legends)
28. # (LoL Fortress Wallpaper)
29. # (Call of Demacia Wallpaper)
30. # (EpicLoLTime)
31. # EpicJaxGuy
32: Credits is Ballad of Gay Tony Wallpaper turned into Ballad of Gay Taric
33: Brolaf's Head From (Elder Trolls Bromacia)