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FaZe Clan Exposed by GFXLab *MUST WATCH*

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Uploaded to YouTube by: GFXLab
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 18 March 2017
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 12 May 2011



Here's the full story -

I never heard of the FaZe clan before this video. I just found it funny that these randoms were raging on me in the game, so I posted this video. It got a bunch of attention and FaZe attempted to pay me to take the video down. I said no and instead started a war against trickshotters.

My experience with trickshotters has always been this. They will use a One Man Army class with noobtubes and kill the entire opposite team camping at the back of the map. When the last guy is left, they will switch to their trickshotting class and expect the last guy to stand still so they can attempt their trickshots.

Trickshotters ruined MW2 Search and Destroy lobbies by setting up for each other. I don't care if you hit a legitimate quickscope or trickshot, but some of these kids just join lobbies to stand in one spot trying to get footage for their over hyped, over editted trickshooting montage videos.

This video has been mentioned on PKA and is well known for phrases such as "GFXLab your backgrounds smell like dog shit", "FPS Russia is not even known", "FaZe Shift sounds like a faggot" and many other hilarious quotes.

I find it hilarious that trickshotters get so angry when I ruin their plans. I've developed a style of gameplay that combats these kids in an attempt to rescue MW2 Search and Destroy. Which in my opinion is the best thing in the entire series of Call of Duty.