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Top 5 Reasons To Try A Keto Diet For Burning Fat

Uploaded to YouTube by: SixPackAbs.com
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 10 November 2021
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 31 January 2019



How To Burn Fat With Keto: http://go2.sixpackshortcuts.com/SH3xJ

Today, I want to give you the top five reasons why the ketogenic diet could be the weight loss solution you’ve been looking for -- even if conventional diets haven’t worked for you in the past.

If you don’t already know, a ketogenic diet is a high-fat, moderate protein, low carb diet. It’s designed to induce a powerful fat burning state called “ketosis” in the body.

Here are the top five reasons why I personally love the ketogenic diet, and why I think you should try it too:

Reason #1 - It Trains Your Body To Burn Fat For Fuel

The biggest reason why I love the ketogenic diet is that it gets your body adapted to burning fat as its main source of fuel.

Not only will you have an easier time metabolizing fat from your diet - it also makes it easier for your body to access and burn stored body fat.

Fat stored in the body’s peripheral tissues—around the belly, thighs, or butt (also called subcutaneous fat)—can’t be burned efficiently without “new” fat to help the process...

Dietary fat helps break down existing fat by activating PPAR-alpha and fat-burning pathways through the liver… Thus making the process of burning body fat a much faster and more efficient process.

So by eating fat, you can literally burn more fat.

Now if you want to cut right to the chase and learn more about how you can train your body to burn fat for fuel with keto, I just put together a free video that explains my entire ketogenic diet system.

You can check it out by going to http://go2.sixpackshortcuts.com/SH3xJ.

Reason #2 - You can eat your favorite foods

I love how you can enjoy foods like steak, eggs, bacon, guacamole, coconut, and other high-fat foods on a ketogenic diet. If you enjoy these foods as well, I know you’ll love eating them while also losing weight at the same time.

Of course, you do have to give up foods like rice and bread to get into ketosis. But once you see how delicious ketogenic meals will be, I promise you that you won’t even miss starchy foods like this.

Reason #3 - Faster Weight Loss Than Conventional Diets

Not only can a ketogenic diet focused on high-fat food be effective for losing weight...some studies have shown that it can actually be MORE effective than a low-fat diet for weight loss!

Reason #4 - You’ll Be Less Hungry

I used to always get hungry on conventional low-fat diets. But on the ketogenic diet, I rarely get hungry even when I’m on an aggressive fat loss plan.

This is because fat is much more satiating than carbs. And when your diet is focused mostly on fat, you digest slower and experience less hunger from the same amount of calories.

Not only this, but fat does not spike your insulin in the same way that carbs and especially sugar do.

This means your blood sugar and energy and much smoother throughout the day, and you don’t get “hangry” when your blood sugar crashes after being spiked.

Reason #5 - We have an amazing community

I love how the keto community is so incredibly supportive, both online and in real life. When you go keto, it’s like you have a family around the world to help you with your weight loss and to share your results with.

People will also respect you a lot for going keto since it’s known as a diet for people who are serious about getting results.

And if you’d like to try keto, I’d like to invite you to join our Keto community on SixPackAbs.com. Just subscribe to our YouTube channel, and you’ll be connecting with thousands of other people on their keto journey around the world

Now, if you’d like to learn more about the ketogenic diet and if you want to see how it can help you lose weight…

Check out my full video by going to http://go2.sixpackshortcuts.com/SH3xJ now.

Once you do, you’ll be able to check out a free keto seminar I posted that goes into the science behind ketosis and how it can transform your body from the inside out.

Plus, you’ll also get a sneak peek at a few of my best ketogenic diet recipes, so you’ll know how to make keto friendly versions of foods like cheesecake, pizza, and pasta. Of course, you still need to eat these foods in moderation on keto, but it makes it far easier to still be able to eat these foods once in a while

I’ll also show you the research-backed evidence that shows why a high-fat diet is not only safe - but also incredibly effective for improving your overall health and wellbeing.

And finally, I’ll show you step by step exactly how you can personally implement keto to get in the best shape of your life this year.

So go check it out - and I’ll see you there.

Burn Fat & Detox With Keto: http://go2.sixpackshortcuts.com/SH3xJ