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Forget About Low-Fat Diets!

Uploaded to YouTube by: SixPackAbs.com
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 10 November 2021
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 21 December 2018



How To Start With Keto: http://go2.sixpackshortcuts.com/SH3vP

This is someone trying to lose weight on a low-fat diet…


and this is someone losing weight on a ketogenic diet.

...Man, that looks good!

Listen... Forget about low-fat diets, people!

By following a ketogenic diet - a high fat, low carb diet - you’ll be able to train your body to burn your stored fat reserves for energy.

You see - when you reduce your carb intake, your body will burn off all your remaining stored carb energy (known as glycogen) right away... Then it will tap into your excess fat stores to give your metabolism and energy the real boost you need to finally get rid of unwanted weight for good.

And as an added bonus...you can lose weight while eating delicious foods like this!

Now some of you may be wondering… But, isn’t fat bad?

In the 1970s, all of the nutrition experts of the time told us that eating fat caused you to gain fat. This created the “low-fat diet” craze, which has lasted until this day.

From the 1970s until today, obesity in America soared while consumption of fat (particularly saturated fats) plummeted.

Fad, low-fat diet products became the norm at grocery stores as a high-carb, low-fat diet became the preferred method for weight loss. Yet, people kept gaining weight.

Clearly, something was not adding up.

Today, new studies show that fats are not the real culprit...

In fact, according to research - eating a diet rich in high-quality fats is one of the most effective ways to improve your health and get into the best shape of your life.

A ketogenic diet dispels the “fat makes you fat” philosophy for several reasons.

First, a diet high in carbs (especially refined and processed carbs from low-fat diet products) can increase insulin and blood sugar levels and promote inflammation in the body. In contrast, a low carb diet can help reduce inflammation far better than a low-fat diet.

Secondly, saturated fat is not shown to be harmful within the context of a low carb diet. It helps improve cholesterol levels, including increasing the amount of HDL (good) cholesterol while decreasing total triglyceride levels. These two factors help lower your risk of heart disease.

Plus, a diet rich in high-quality fats will keep you feeling full and energized so you won’t experience that pesky energy crash at your desk, unwanted cravings for candy bars or that constant growl of hunger in your tummy.

When you’re fat adapted, you’ll be able to go 4-6 hours between meals without ever feeling hungry.

And the icing on the low-carb cake is that you’ll finally be able to get rid of that stubborn belly fat that you’ve been carrying around for years.

And speaking of cake…

My personal keto diet plan is packed with dozens of low-carb recipes adapted from my all time favorite guilty pleasures that will make you feel like you’re not even following a diet at all…

Keto-proof pancakes, pizza, and pasta…

And yes… even sin free desserts like my keto cheesecake…

My keto plan consists of the perfect step by step guide for adopting the low carb lifestyle in a way that’s easy, sustainable and most importantly - deliciously satisfying.

Now if you want to learn exactly how you can start your keto transformation, just head over to my site http://go2.sixpackshortcuts.com/SH3vP right now.

There I posted a free video seminar that covers the basic do’s and don’ts of the keto diet.

You’ll also learn how to calculate your keto macros and tailor them to meet your personal weight loss goals…

I’ve also included dozens of keto-roof recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner and yes… I didn’t forget dessert! So that you can see for yourself how incredibly fulfilling the keto lifestyle truly can be.

Just go to http://go2.sixpackshortcuts.com/SH3vP to check out my seminar. I’ll see you there!

Burn Fat & Detox With Keto: http://go2.sixpackshortcuts.com/SH3vP