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Lyn the Monk - Part 2

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Uploaded to YouTube by: Zeithri
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 12 March 2016
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 24 July 2014

Tags: video games


I named the file "Lyn the Lucius" but then I discovered that Lucius apparently doesn't have his own model listed, even though I am sure that Lucius has his own Monk-model. I'll have to look that up.

I had to redo this clip and re-render it with VirtualDub due to it's length and audio desync issues. If the colors look washed out or something, it's due to multiple renders using Xvid.

I also discovered by chance that suspending game and reloading will make broken weapons that the game doesn't want to work, work ?__? Much confused, such Lyn.

No clue why Ereshkigal is --/-- in use but I'm guessing it's simply put, Infinite and Unbreakable. I mean, it would be funny after all if Nergal's tome would break and he'd just stand there like yep.

The search continues for what to do with FE7 ~