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Kingdom Crossing - Music - Paper Mario: The Rewind Chronicles

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Uploaded to YouTube by: Renzo S.
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 6 October 2018
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 6 January 2016

Tags: music, video games music


Kingdom Crossing is the valley that connects the Mushroom Kingdom and Beanbean Kingdom, serving as a border. Its steep cliffs make it hard to traverse, but the scenery is quite cheerful.

Peach comes here to look for more of the Mushroom Royal Jewels, one of which is the Starlight Peridot. Unfortunately, Valdric's goons have already found the stone and have broken it in two. One half was dragged across the border into the Beanbean Kingdom, while the other half remains in the Mushroom Kingdom. Peach must repair the royal jewel and help restore peace in the area. The Beanbean Kingdom has been alerted of Valdric and has increased its border security - Peach must solve conflicts on both sides of the border is she wants to continue her quest.