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Most likely canceled

Uploaded to YouTube by: sub to nohemle jfc
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 22 September 2018
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 3 August 2017



I forgot to add part 5, so part 5 is skipped, I was too lazy to fix it.
EDIT: and 21 that's skipped I'm a fucking idiot

- you have to finish your part in 48 hours or 2 days
- don't put any effort lmao
- this map is about current stupid drama you're in, so your part has to be about it XD if you aren't going through any drama then it's okay do what ever but it has to be related to the lyrics
- watermarks are allowed
- hazel dickinson pls join this map :'(( D e s u
- you can get 2 parts (or 3)
- to get a part you have to say onceler
- lmao bye

Why are my maps popular

1 Nico Fleur (done)
3 neko_tomic (done)
4 Mary Bc
6 edgy chan (done)
7 Rachelw31 (done)
8 kirby the gamer
9 bonnie the purple bunny (done)
10mine (done)
11kirby the gamer
12 annoying_puppy
13 Bella the kitten
14 Bella the kitten
15 under 342 (done)
16 xarQ
17 Keiomii
18Cadieanimates (done)
19Cadieanimates (done)
20 I'll' kittykatTM (done)
22 mine (done)
23 Katy Animations
24 Keiomii
25lazy awesome gamer 248 roblox (done)
26 Jockii (done)
27 Koishi crocodile (done)
28 Steve Bell animates (done)
29 mine(done)
30 VannaTheVanna (done)
33Ghost girl animates and more
34 JelliesOncle (done)
35 Sox
