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2012 Soundtrack - Vitaliy Zavadskyy

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Uploaded to YouTube by: Vitaliy Zavadskyy
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 4 June 2020
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 20 April 2009

Tags: music


Heyy everyone how is it going?


Composers myspace page:
- http://www.myspace.com/vforvital
Here is one of my new-er works, a more orchestral one and is quite more cinematic.
Initially the work has been created for an upcoming online web browser game called "Caellestia"!

- http://caellestia.com/

And as for the movie, we have another Roland Emmerich epic, his previous titles include [Independence Day, The Patriot and The Day After Tomorrow'>

This time around Emmerich sets his movie on the increasingly hot topic of the conclussion of the Mayan calendar.

So here goes the INFO about this movie.



Director Roland Emmerich and composer-producer Harald Kloser co-wrote a spec script titled 2012, which was marketed to major studios in February 2008. Nearly all studios met with Emmerich and his representatives to hear the director's budget projection and story plans, a process that the director had previously gone through with the films Independence Day (1996) and The Day After Tomorrow (2004).The film was shopped around with a production budget of $200 million.Later in the month of February, Sony Pictures Entertainment won the rights for the spec script and will distribute it under Columbia Pictures.The studio plans to make the film for less than the estimated budget.

Filming was originally scheduled to begin in Los Angeles, California, in July 2008, but instead commenced in Vancouver in August 2008. Due to the possible 2008 Screen Actors Guild strike, filmmakers set up a contingency plan for salvaging the film. Sony Pictures Imageworks was hired to create visual effects for 2012.

On November 12, 2008, the studio released the first teaser trailer for 2012 that showed a tsunami coming over the Himalayas and interlaced a message about the world's governments not preparing its population for the end of the world. The trailer ended with a message to viewers to "find out the truth" by searching on Google for "2012". The Guardian criticized the marketing approach as "deeply flawed" since the film was not mentioned among the first few search engine results.

The studio also launched a viral marketing website published by the fictional organization Institute for Human Continuity where visitors could register for a lottery number to be part of a small population that would be rescued from global destruction.

2012 was originally scheduled to be released on July 10, 2009. The release date was changed to November 13, 2009 to move out of the busy summer schedule into a time frame that the studio considered to have more potential for success. According to the studio, the film could have been completed for the summer release date, but the date change will give more time to the production.


The world is devastated by a cataclysm in the year 2012, leaving survivors to struggle for their lives.[1'> The film is inspired by the several hypotheses that state the ancient Mayans predicted a doomsday event will occur sometime around the 2012 winter solstice.[2'>
An academic researcher leads a group of people in a fight to counteract the apocalyptic events that were predicted by the ancient Mayan calendar .


John Cusack ... Jackson Curtis
Thandie Newton ... Laura Wilson
Woody Harrelson
Amanda Peet ... Kate
Danny Glover ... President Wilson
Chiwetel Ejiofor ... Adrian Helmsley
Oliver Platt ... Carl Anheuser
Anna Mae Routledge ... Officer Tay
George Segal ... Tony Delgado

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