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What is your honest opinion about Roblox?

Uploaded to YouTube by: NILVOU
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 6 December 2022
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 31 March 2017



Asking the fashion community!
What xTeresa thinks:
ROBLOX is such an amazing platform that you can truly be creative in anyway you want. This goes from building, designing, scripting, GFX, animations, and so much more! But like all great things, there is a negative side..... There is a ton of bullying on this game, people are just so rude everywhere on ROBLOX. I'm not just talking about the Fashion community, it's EVERYWHERE. It's not uncommon to go play a simple game and you see people arguing, or harassing others, along with the "trolls". Also don't even get me started on the insane amount of exploits; it's a shame that there always seems to be a "new exploit" out and then hundreds of kids get it just to troll at games that people work hard on. Anyway, overall I would say ROBLOX is a great game, just needs some more patching and fixing on how they look at the 'Report' system and exploit prevention. Ohhhh and I think they should erase really old usernames/accounts that haven't logged in for SO MANY YEARS. This would clean up a lot of the "clutter" from accounts that are never even used. Another online game called Runescape did that and well it worked phenomenally! It deleted a bunch of accounts that were not used in years, which allowed actual real players to get rare usernames that were taken by these dumb alternative accounts... :smiley: & I've made so many friends on ROBLOX, and I adore all of the fans and supporters! They're awesome! :heart:

its a wonderful platform for children and young adult to express their creativity

Update: I made this video way back in January, FYI, but these opinions of mine are from years ago. It's 2017, and I have brand new opinions. I don't see Roblox as a negative website anymore, and I enjoy it.