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PlexRP Got Talent! (gmod.plexrp.com)

Uploaded to YouTube by: Plexiate
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 9 February 2024
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 17 August 2018



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Giving constructive feedback is good. Being unnecessarily mean isn’t what we do here.
Make sure you take the time to evaluate which you are doing before you post.

For example: Do: “I think this show would be better if the hosts were a little more animated
” Don’t: “These F*$%ing hosts are so boring to watch I wish they would all die”

Respect other humans
We know our broadcasters are fine specimens of humanity. Complimenting them is good.
Sexually objectifying, creeping on, describing violent actions toward, describing your physical reactions to, or otherwise dehumanizing them is not
For example: Do: “I love that new haircut, he looks great today!” Don’t: “FAP FAP FAP”

Include everyone
We want this channel to be a safe and welcoming place for everyone.
Don’t do anything that might make someone feel like they don’t belong.
This includes but is not limited to generalizations of types of people, hate speech,
or discriminatory language based on gender, religion, ethnicity, sex or socioeconomic background.

For example: Do: “Welcome, newcomer!” Don’t: “WUT? A GRILL GAMER? Kreygasm”

Post only relevant links
Make sure any links posted are directly related to the content being broadcasted.
It also goes without saying that no harmful or malicious link should ever be posted in our chat.
For example: Do: “Here’s a link to the game they are talking about:” Don’t: “Hey everyone check out my channel, I’m streaming right now:”

Listen to Moderators
Our mods are in place because we trust their judgement. Remember that these rules exist not only to the letter, but in spirit.
If our mods feel like you have violated or circumvented even the intention of these rules, you may face disciplinary action.
Follow the instructions of mods, and communicate with them with professionalism about any concerns.

For example: Do: “Dear mod: I was banned and I’m not sure why. Can you help?” Don’t: “Nazi mods banned me for no reason FU MODS”