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{Labyrinth } New video from SophiaMusik 2014

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Uploaded to YouTube by: Sophia Musik
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 13 June 2017
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 15 June 2014

Tags: music, music video, Egypt, animation, CGI


The Underworld has always held a fascination for mankind. The Oracles at Delphi, the supposed beings of "Inner Earth", the River Hades, all focus on Sub Terra regions.

We took some images from the amazing painter Hieronymus Bosch, who's imagination was vivid and way ahead of his time. In 1463, Bosch was when a fire swept through his village, killing many people. Just as Da Vinci had witnessed a deadly flood in January of 1466, as a 14 year old, experienced the same exposure to horror as a young teen, I ponder of both these events could have influenced their geniuses. Bosch painted fantasy and included fire in his images....Just as Da Vinci was obsessed with water his entire life, and Leonardo's treatment of hair reminds us of water flowing down like ringlets..Both of these events happened within a 3 year period in the mid 15th century.....which begs the question....Can traumatic events foster genius?....We hope you enjoy the video.

Thomas and Costas.