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[WORK] Joey Crowd Infographic video (Read desc)

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Uploaded to YouTube by: Sink - Alex
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 23 April 2018
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 8 March 2015



Hey guys,
This is a little video I've made for work over the past week. I don't usually upload my stuff for work but I wanted to fill you in on where I've been lately as I haven't been active. Basically it's a combination of 3 factors:
1) I've been editing for about 3 years now so motivation has declined over time.
2) Since for work I spend a lot of time in AE, I don't have much motivation to dive back into it after finishing work.
3) I just started at college and with a science based degree I spend about 26 hours a week on campus and another 20-30 studying at home.

Just wanted to fill you guys in on where I've been, since when somebody goes inactive it's like they drop off the face of the earth, although I can now see that it's just life moving on without editing. I don't know how much I'll edit in the future, but I will definitely still finish Ame 2 as a final hurra and might upload things like this that I made for work every so often.

In case you're wondering, my client here is an Australia-based crowd funding company. Might explain the text in this.

My twitter: https://twitter.com/SinkEditsHD

I do not own any of the content, any copyright infringement was not intended.