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Pk K1n9 5 Runescape Bank Video After The EOC

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Uploaded to YouTube by: AsYouShouldMyGuy
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 11 December 2018
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 25 November 2012

Tags: Runescape


Thumbs up , comment if you made or lost money after the evolution of combat

update nurphed weapons and armour and crashed the runescape economy
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==========Video Information==========
Pk K1n9 5 Runescape Bank Video After The EOC.Pk k1n9 5 Runescape bank video

with commentary 800m+. After the evolution of combat the runescape economy

changed for nex armours like torva , god wars armour and weapons like bandos

and godswords and dragon claws from tourmented demons after dual wielding

nurphed d claws. Torva , bandos , godswords , and dragon claws all got

nurphed with the eoc updated causing them to crash and for me to loose

millions from my bank. My runescape bank 2012. 2012 runescape bank video.

My bank of runescape which is worth over 900m from making money high risk

pking in torva and high risk staking in the duel arena .