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Uploaded to YouTube by: Georaga Airsoft
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 1 June 2018
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 11 May 2012



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So, more about the project!
As I said, I and my uni group are working with MIND to deliver some of our unique workshops to it's clientele. These are all folks aged 30 and up that struggle with issues of Mental Distress. This can be anything from depression to paranoid schizophrenia to hearing voices or seeing things that aren't seen by everybody else. Although these things may seem completely unfounded to those of us that don't experience these things, the important thing is to remember that to the clients these are REAL experiences. With that in mind, me and my group are aiming to create an exhibition at the end of the project that we hope to fill with some of the work created throughout 11 sessions with our participants. This exhibition will hopefully include some drama, pictures, stories, films and music and will provide a place for our participants work to be appreciated. Any money that we raise will go directly to the project by either funding the above exhibition or contributing to experiences for the clients such as trips and maybe even a photoshoot. This sector of work is one that I'm very interested to look closer at, my Mum has done work with this organisation and now it's my turn.
Thank you to EVERYONE that helps out, I really really really REALLY appreciate it so much!

Background music is from one of my current favourite bands at the minute.