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Watsky- The Girl Next Door (To Everybody Else)

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Uploaded to YouTube by: WATSKY!
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 30 November 2016
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 10 August 2012

Tags: music, music video, rap music, hip hop


http://www.facebook.com/gwatsky<br /><br />on the album 'Watsky,' available on iTunes (just search 'Watsky'!) or:<br />http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/watsky/id340587701<br /><br />animation by Jorge Farfan<br />http://www.youtube.com/cybertoons<br /><br />music production by Kush Mody<br />recorded and engineered by Max Miller-Loran<br />Mastered by Ricardo Gutierrez for GrandMasters NYC <br /><br />Chorus<br />It's a song about girl the next door<br />I love the girl next door<br />the world's next door<br />They see her- everybody melts<br />She's the girl next door to everybody everybody else<br /><br />It's a song is a song about the girl who sings<br />And every time you hear her sing<br />she sings for you<br />And you alone<br />And every other guy you know<br /><br />She loves you back<br />She says she's with it<br />loves you back<br />but wait a minute<br />all along she loved ya back<br />enough to put a dagger in it<br /><br />It's is a song about girl the next door<br />I love the girl next door<br />the world's next door<br />They see her- everyobody melts<br />She's the girl next door to everybody everybody else<br /><br /><br />Verse<br />it's like a fairy tale!<br />about little chickenhead<br />thought the sky was falling<br />so she kicked it sick in bed<br />I came calling (she pretended she was dead)<br />feeling she was healing but the ceiling fell instead!<br />you feel stellar in your skeleton?<br />tell a guy you fell for him then tell him he's irrelevant?<br />It's evident you think you're helen of troy<br />but you're hell in a handbasket<br />hell of a coy little cruella deville<br />If it's fitting you fill in<br />another filthy felony with every fella you thrill<br />you're cellophane<br />but there's a spell on us still<br />a man goes window shopping<br />and you sell him the sill<br />you give an illness that isn't a silly pill or some silvery penicillin<br />or pity gonna fulfill and so willing my pen is spilling i'm drilling my point until<br />the pen point's dull<br />the end point's still<br />*in sight, i'm inside, i'm insisting<br />get wise and quit with lip synching<br />in christ you entice the quick kissing<br />rise in a bathtub full of ice with a rib missing<br />It's been decided <br />you can lie, but you can't hide it behind your eyelids<br />I provided rhymes and had to plan a hybrid <br />with the man that led this band who might have liked you more than I did<br />or maybe as much<br />cause baby that's what<br />make me want to laugh<br />just, breaks me right in half cause<br />it really adds up<br />dwelling on this sad stuff<br />cellibacy mad sucks<br />when everybody tapped once<br />including a best friend<br />then one of my roommates<br />you said it was just then<br />but shit it was too late<br />So what's your group rate<br />cause we've waiting our turn<br />to watch you eat your words<br />and catch some heartburn<br /><br /><br />verse<br />[here!'> is where you would have sung the verse<br />[here!'> is where you'd have to catch you breath<br />[here!'> is where you might forget the words<br />[haha'> that where you'd laugh to fill the rest<br />[here!'> is where you'd hit another high note<br />[here!'> is where you'd make it pretty, shit if I don't<br />[here!'> is where we'd really try to be friends<br />funny how the shallow girls end up off the deep end<br />[first'> i met your ass last year<br />first day of class, you were mad sincere<br />[then'> you went and chose my friend for benefits<br />[then'> he did the same and said it was the end of it<br />[then'> funny thing, I got up on the TV<br />[then'> coincidentally you said you'd like to see me<br />[then'> you stood me up on just our second date<br />out with mister music<br />[then'> you used him for a your serenade