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enna - Scissorhands (Acoustic - English - One Shot)

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Uploaded to YouTube by: enna
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 2 January 2017
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 5 July 2014

Tags: music, acoustic guitar


So I still don't have an actual mic to sing with //laugh// but I have an ipod and so I recorded in one take and then mixed as best as I could. It's bad but what can you do when your mic's broke and you want to sing? So, yeah, if people want I will redo this when I have an actual mic. But really, this was all for fun and you can tell by the timing of somethings, and the mistakes in the lyrics, I just didn't care much.

It's hot. I think I'll go take a bath now.

-I own nothing but my vocals-

"Scissorhands/ シザーハンズ " by Nem

English Adaptation/ Lyrics: Zoozbuh (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkmqIvUWde4ynjv98uhQ4zg)

Vocals/(Fail)Mixing: Ake (here)

Art: りねこ (http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=471337)

Acoustic Arrange: Osamuraisan (https://www.youtube.com/user/niconicosamurai0320/featured)

MP3: HAhaha nope.