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LS Mistress | "Sloppy" | Slayer DMR on Sword Base | w/Commentary

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Uploaded to YouTube by: Leonie Sii
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 30 May 2019
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 24 April 2012



Thanks so much for watching even though I've been M.I.A. Sorry for the apparent moodiness of my commentary- having a very "meh" week.

Do you ever have those weeks where, one day is so perfect- you've gotten everything you wanted- and then the rest of the week is just complete "meh" because it just does not compare to that one singular day? And then you spend the rest of your days being all sulky and over-analyzing that 'perfect' moment and dissecting it to bits and realizing that it was just all luck and that what you're really wishing for will never ever ever happen? And then you start to think, "what's the point of life?" because you're just so unhappy all the time... especially when all you do is daydream and imagine what life would be like if you were void of inhibition... if you had that one thing that will surely make you the happiest person alive... but it is unattainable... because you're just not cool enough, or special enough, or funny enough, or good-lookin' enough...

Well, yeah. It's just been one of those weeks.

Oh well, life goes on.

Song: Give Me Love - Ed Sheeran
GT: LS Mistress


Here's some links to my other online networking stuff where you can read about me complaining about the "meh"ness of my life.



