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Getter - Fallout (Psyche Fix remix)

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Uploaded to YouTube by: Shawn Wasabi
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 10 February 2017
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 14 March 2013

Tags: music, electronic music



Our remix of Getter's "Fallout". I don't know if we're allowed to upload our Fallout remixes, but here you go anyways. :'> Someone should clarify though.

None of the photos in the video belong to me by the way. Had a bunch of pictures of corgis in a folder, so I decided to make something out of them.

All of the ones with a corgi balancing things comes from an awesome dog named 'Hazel', you can find them here: http://thingsonhazelshead.tumblr.com/

A lot of the 'professional' looking pictures were obtained from various posts in /r/corgi. http://reddit.com/r/corgi

Video at the end: http://www.youtube.com/watch?&v=U27uO5mMjJk

Most of the goofy-looking ones, like the lobster corgi and the sunglasses corgis, were obtained from various other websites I don't know the name of. Didn't ask anyone for permission to use the photos, so apologies about that.