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Learning to Love You More: Assignment # 38

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Uploaded to YouTube by: kokiriforest
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 16 March 2018
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 15 April 2008



Assignment #38: Act out someone else's argument.

Argument fron Nicki in Cape Cod, Massachusetts USA:

Em: God Nicki, this isn't a short cut, it takes like the exact same amount of time as the regular way!
Me: Yeah I know, that's what I said.
Em: No, you thought it was a short cut.
Me: I know, but I just said to you 5 minutes ago that I realized that it takes about the same amount of time as the other way!
Em: You're so fucking defensive!
Me: Maybe if you didn't make me feel like I have to defend myself I wouldn't get so defensive!
Em: You're being defensive again!
Clem: Yeah Nicki... you are really defensive.
Me: I want to push you.


Miranda July and Harrell Fletcher's website and interactive art installation. Check it out-- do an assignment or two (or ALL)!