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Uploaded to YouTube by: nhyku
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 12 August 2018
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 17 February 2015




________!!!!!!!DEADLINE: 1ST OF JUNE!!!!!!!__________

since this song gives me the feels and goosebumps all over my goddamn body i decided to turn it into a map


i'm waiting for only 3 people now to finish their parts
and all the rest is already done so

please make sure that this map is not a first-come-first-serve map!

RULES (edit)

- you MUST have animation practise!!!!! i will visit your channel and watch some of your animations, if i don't find any, i assume you have no practise and don't let you participate

- you can only have one part!!

- you must at least try to make your part fitting with the lyrics (that's why i added it, logically)
it's okay if your part is a bit off the theme but if your part completely misses the theme, i'll ask you to re-do it which will be your wasted time in the end, so please think before you do anything

- please DON'T watermark your parts, i will add your names of course

- try to make your part a real animation (not just still frames and blinking animations please)

- to make sure you read the rules, go to the first rule and search the 7th word. include it in your comment

- if you need an extension due to technical/time issues, don't be afraid to ask!

- you can include the lyrics (text form) in your part, if it fits in and doesn't push the animation in the background

- try to use simple, dull colours (no neon colours please) and please don't let your background be pitch black if it doesn't fit to the story!

- have a nice day and have fun while animating


1 zmidboss mitchie DONE
2 DarkMoon RAY DONE
3 pikachukat DONE
4 iced-coyote DONE
5 SimplyIdyllic DONE
6 Makaruu DONE
7 Pawstep DONE
8 hannahmozcoolchic DONE
9 dis mine DONE
10 animationwolfyumi14 DONE
11 Liquid Land Nerd Maxie DONE
12 Violetalphawolf DONE
13 MtfoxX3 DONE
14 Swiftfire - DONE
15 Phony Pony !! *extension* WIP
16 Loboto Mutt DONE
17 Chai Tea DONE
18 Cleaver DONE
19 bands and eyeliner DONE
20 TrueArtistBlood DONE
21 PikaVSTheWorld DONE
22 Miine DONE
23 Imako DONE
24 BambinoCheeno DONE
25 Shima シマ DONE
26 YTkagay DONE
27 Hunting Sunder DONE
28 JayLing DONE
29 piix DONE


Meideline OvO

INFO: please do not spam!! if you do, your chances to get into this map are pretty low.. also please don't be upset if i didn't give you the part you wanted
i probably didn't see your comment or couldn't find any animations on your channel
i'm kinda picky as well so that might be another reason why i didn't chose you and i'm really sorry about that ;;

SONG Kwabs - Walk