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Uploaded to YouTube by: trois
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 25 February 2019
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 1 July 2011



i had high hopes for this, i told a few people on youtube "yeah, this would be my best edit" and blah blah blah, and then, a mixture of being ill and me getting completely and utterly bored of call of duty in general, made me scrap this. oh and it's really quite bad, i tried to copy BLITZ with this and utterly failed, sorry haagn you beast :|

to be truthful, i don't know whether i REALLY want to make a cod edit again. the games are so boring, it's either hacking, sweaty cunts who feel the need to sit in the corner for their 0.8 K/D or any exploit in the game exploited to it's full potential. repetitive, boring and it's same old, same old.
i realised this after i've playing halo & fifa, for more or less, around a fortnight. FIFA is a beast game. nuff. and halo is classic, it's the one game i still can have hours of fun on, i'm always hyped to play some MLG, because it gets the adrenaline going and I actually have a fun time, which sounds nerdy as fuck, but whatever. every time i play, i have a good time, which can't be said for shitty cod.
