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bye for a bit

Uploaded to YouTube by: antworld
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 8 December 2018
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 28 February 2017



hey my dudes, (click for a letter-y thing)

been a while since we had a wee lil chat. that isn't what this video is about but that's beside the point - the point being that ya gal is havin' a slight content crisis of sorts...
...but actually tho.*

Ant's self-esteem-engine has run into some technical faults. I still have no idea what I'm doing YT wise, which is massively intimidating to me considering that I have been in this weird internet spot for around three years - but it's just getting upsetting now. To the point where I need to go away for a bit without needing all the pressure to come back.

It's hard being yourself on the internet. To open up and leave yourself vulnerable to humiliation, criticism and fear. Fear is a massive motivating factor. I'm terrified, frankly, of doing the wrong thing, saying the wrong thing, acting up. and yes, this will hopefully be the last 'content crisis' vid I ever make. because hopefully I will one day make videos that are about more than how I am not making videos. Hence the cover of a song about how nostalgia for a time when things were easier and I didn't overthink all my stuff.

Either way I'm in a place rn where I feel you all might not like me. In fact rn I don't really like me. And I hate, with a burning passion, the fact that I am admitting that literally all I want in life is to be a nice person and for people to like me. yep, I'm one of them. hi.

There is, I have discovered, no right way to do anything, really. We all think we're doing good but in reality there's nothing stopping u from succeeding or failing except urself...and idk if I can deal with that responsibility yet.

So, yeah. the old brain muscle is acting up and I also have deadlines and am generally just not doing well atm. Please don't freak out. I need the space. don't hate me. I swear I'm a functioning human on some level. Love u. xo

✌︎ LINKS ✌︎
☁︎ 2nd Channel: http://goo.gl/RVZxN1
☁︎ Twitter: http://twitter.com/antw0rld
☁︎ Instagram: http://instagram.com/antw0rld
☁︎ Spotify: http://play.spotify.com/user/top_banana96

*may even end up attempting some sort of VEDI-type thing in a last-ditch attempt to cure this; but I make no promises. legit. it's a mess.