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LUNCH TIME! (read description!)

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Uploaded to YouTube by: Flpsy
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 18 November 2018
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 6 February 2014



hello guys hope your having a wonderful day, here is a new series I'm doing called lunch time. Its when I take 1 clip from everyone on the lunch table (subbbox) and edit the clips which is why its called "Lunch Time". And also I did leave super for Elite because the azza lobs, bomb lobs, dummies, people paying to join, eb and poor leadership. But I did hear they're trying to fix the mess. Joined Elite and it is a new clan Jaw (former Super Leader) and Antzro (former eRa,dZ and Horizon Leader) made and a lot of my friends are in it. Go Sub it and expect the first team cams soon http://www.youtube.com/user/EliteRises

srry the description was so long and my ep will be out soon! kbai!!!

Song: Sufjan Stevens - The Predatory Wasp of the Palisades is Out to Get Us!