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【初音ミク - Hatsune Miku】Sweet Devil【Raver Remix】

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Uploaded to YouTube by: Jrharbort Productions
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 12 February 2018
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 23 November 2011



WARNING: This epic track may cause seizures. READ FOR MORE↓↓↓

EDIT: I have removed the flashing effect and reuploaded the video since it was more annoying than I'd hoped for. Sorry for deleting the previous one guys.

I haven't done anything remotely related to rave-class music yet, so I figured this piece from 8#Prince would do the trick. I used two visualization overlays this time with a strobe effect to give it more of a "rave" feel.

The image I used had this bizarre pink and black border on either wide of the image, and I didn't like how it looked. So I shopped it a bit for this video. I really like how I did it though, so I turned it into a wallpaper! I have created 13 different sizes to fit virtually all desktop resolutions, including netbook sizes! The link for the zip is below.

Sizes included: 1024x576, 1024x600, 1024x768, 128ܠ, 128ࠀ, 128ॠ, 128ဤ, 1366x768, 144ऀ, 160ऀ, 168ॅ, 168ၐ, and 192ႀ. Sorry, there's no 192ሀ size.

This track was created by 8#Prince, and is a part of the "×××× the ripper" album. 8#Prince REALLY needs to start considering digital distribution. It's far more profitable in the long run. -_-"

IMAGE: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=14536762

WALLPAPERS: http://www.mediafire.com/?l8ex5045ya5am0j