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Artificial Reality #eRaCompositingRC @eRaSupreme

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Uploaded to YouTube by: Syn Pressure
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 12 November 2018
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 30 September 2014



What's going on guys, here's my eRa RC Response entitled 'Artificial Reality'. Took about 4 days to do this (heavy editing) including cinematics and rendering. Tried to really make this unique so that it stands out from all of the other responses. Also, I was really focusing on improving my gameplay editing and cinematic creativity because that was the main thing I was missing in my Obey RC Response. I edit to a different style each time I release something in order to be as diverse as possible and keep my viewers from getting bored of seeing the same old shit. If you enjoyed the video I would really appreciate a like and maybe a comment if you're feeling naughty enough. Thanks!

Feel free to add me on Skype (live:reac7s) with any questions or concerns!

eRaEternity 150k RC Entry:

Entry to JNT & Extract's Dual Contest:

Sub to King Justin for rendering the last scene:

Follow me on Twitter!: https://www.twitter.com/pressuremvm