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Connecting the dots: the political-occult ruling Elite ~ beware Miami! unlisted/private

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Uploaded to YouTube by: nibirushock
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 13 March 2018
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 3 June 2008



The present growing food and oil crisis, as well as the devaluation of the Dollar, are the perfect foundations for building a New World Order upon. Order from Chaos. The establishment of the New World Order foundation under the United Nations/NATO is planned by 2012. [2013'> All is based on and bound to their "trinity concept," Gematrian numerology, astrology, Sun-Venus (risings) worship and other occult knowledge and practices of the political-occult ruling Elite/Illuminati.

Watch this 7-part [now 12-part'> series for a full understanding and comprehension:

On Solar Maximum year (11-year cycle), Bush senior announces 'New World Order' under United Nations

Start of Operation 'Desert Storm' (Iraq)

On another Solar Maximum year (11-year cycle), 3 WTC TOWERS DOWN and start of War on Terror

Start of Iraq War

Bombings in Madrid

Bombings in London

Start of unrest in Tibet, Nepal (encouraged by CIA) against China prior to planned Olympics.. and later the rest of the world protests

Simultaneous broadcast of both: Osama bin Laden (CIA) threatening Europe and Pope in Rome/Bush Iraq 'freedom' speech at the Pentagon

The ONLY referendum on the Lisbon Treaty (= EU Constitution in disguise to make Europe a Totalitarian State) in Ireland

The planned start of China Olympics (so every eye in the world will watch China before and around that date)

2008 TO 2011-11-11 ???
The death of Pope Benedict XVI in Rome and an attack in Berlin and/or Paris.. supposedly by 'Al Qaeda' (= Illuminati and CIA)

Constitution federal reserve war invasion stage staged Pakistan Iran military service secret prisons torture immigrants immigration alien aliens anti globalist president globalization illegal 2008 elections civil human rights order world tazers 9/11 9-11 911 WTC towers tower problem reaction solution united nations nation building lies army police state constitution America freedom security prosperity partnership treaty treaties SPP CIA FBI NSA NAU NAFTA open borders Mexico Canada demonization Thomas Foley North American Union IRS patriot act CFR FEMA nazi concentration camp 2012 bush administration presidency obama hillary bill clinton John McCain traitor builderberg bilderberg group militia new false flag terror attack fake National ID card real Habeas Corpus life warrantless searches without warrant illuminati elite europe pyramid pyramids Egypt enemy operation covert political education department of homeland security Alex Jones show secret secrecy deception neocon coalition neocons neoliberals Kennedy 1963 democracy democratic rights order duty foreign policy protest protests hitler adam weishaupt rothschild rockefeller council foreign relations war trilateral commission trinity smear tactics tactic strategy strategies vote votes best candidate candidates focal point organization medicare peace keeping mission missions the young people voters Congress dreams idea ideas Terence Terrence McKenna timewave zero school teachers education duty responsibility Islam Islamic campaign campaigns treason diebold fraud deceit elect al gore Trans Texas Corridor federal supreme court courts un American Iran India Pakistan China Tibet olympics olympic games build builders sun sunspot sunspot cycle venus transit 2004 part party bipartisan meeting liberal violence Bible love God peace grassroots mass codex alimentarius mandate world trade organization WTO depopulation malthusian genocide agenda disaster catastrophe London Britain England MIA 5 6 19.5 degrees flag symbols numbers rituals numerology astrology sun gods maya mayan civilization deceit New York Madrid Rome pope Italy Berlin Germany Angela Merkel terrorist facade project bluebeam cloverleaf chemtrails Christians Moslems second coming Christ rapture temptation order from chaos theory theories starvation dream reality future republican republicans democrat democrats libertarian libertarians liberty fascist state fascists revolt disinformation agent agents shills prime time speech ridicule ridiculization belief system beliefs personal attacks senator congressman Al Qaeda shortage inflation recession political liberal illegals Giuliani lies protest protests european parliament parlement lisbon treaty EU contitution rejected rejection France holland Netherlands Dutch German Germans vikings children end world earth floods drought hurricanes hurricane Katrina martial law evolution revelation revelations enemy foreign domestic spiritual blood matrix neo neoconservatives nightmare anger pain NATO conspiracy leader patsies experiment war fear mongering Iraq Afghanistan soldier fascism