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Sky Citadel - Music - Paper Mario: The Rewind Chronicles

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Uploaded to YouTube by: Renzo S.
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 6 October 2018
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 23 July 2015

Tags: music, video games music


The 2nd new (kind of) area from the reboot of PM:CTC, now known as The Rewind Chronicles. This is a remix of the old version.

No longer relegated to just a small world in a Mystical Painting, Sky Citadel is now featured in its very own chapter - Chapter 11. A mysterious floating island in the sky, completely walled off from the rest of the world. It's a popular pilgrimage destination for its Cloudy Cathedral, which is a beacon of hope and light. It used to be a manifestation of darkness until the Aeon Star was used to seal it away. Now that Mario needs it, he'll have to agree to banish the darkness once more to claim the final Aeon Star and awaken the Tribe of Time.
Sky Citadel is mostly a very foreboding place, hence the music's theme. The locals are fine, but the whole place has an essence of urgency to it and the music reflects that this is the penultimate episode before Mario takes off for the T-Dimension and repair the rip in time.

Anyways, I've just realized I have reached 400 subscribers! Thank you all of you guys who have shown support through the years for my music and project, and I hope to be making music for a long time. I couldn't have done it without your support and I cannot put into words how grateful I am for this. I'll be getting on a little special music piece to celebrate. Till then, seeyah's!