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Assassin's Creed - Hidden Blade 10 vs 1

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Uploaded to YouTube by: silverfire302
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 13 March 2018
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 28 April 2008



Hidden blade: the best weapon in the game.

Ran around making a bunch of guards angry first. It's kind of disappointing they don't give you the option to select which weapon comes out by default in fights.

The main concept I was going for here was that doing counters with the hidden blade is 100% lethal, unlike the sword and the short blade. None of the counters involve kicking your enemy away and all of them leave a dead body on the ground. The biggest disadvantage is that you're unable to block and you're completely open to attack if you don't get the timing right.

...and yes -- I know I failed to do the grab break at #. I just regained control after high profile attacking the guy who was taunting so I barely had any time to react to that one.

tl;dr for those who want to try it:
1. Get your timing down. If you can't counter worth balls with even the sword, don't bother.
2. Be on the lookout for when they taunt, rub their leg, cower in fear, or do anything other than point their sword at you. Gives you a great opportunity to thin the crowd.

Played on the PC version and recorded using FRAPS.