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How an HR services provider adapted to changing times without breaking its budget

Uploaded to YouTube by: Odoo
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 20 February 2024
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 12 October 2022



How business is conducted has changed with the pandemic. One area where the change was more pronounced is in HR. Online platforms in the Philippines only gained traction during the pandemic. Before that, there was a general shying away from anything technology-related, particularly for small businesses. The use of online platforms is generally viewed as an expensive venture.

Our company, an HR solutions and services provider, made use of Odoo to adapt to the changing times. Odoo allowed us to switch to a work-from-anywhere setup quickly. We did not have to worry about monitoring productivity or ensuring we were all on the same page because Odoo allowed us a platform where we could collaborate. The talk will focus on those points while showing how Odoo allowed us to do all of this without breaking our budget, as you only pay for the modules you use. The target audience of this talk is small business owners and HR professionals.