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【Kuraiinu】Here Comes a Thought (Steven Universe)

Uploaded to YouTube by: Kuraiinu
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 8 August 2019
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 23 June 2018

Tags: music


(DISCLAIMER) I recorded this in one take and didn't edit it at all so if it sounds like shit, so be it, bring on the comments. I'm not really looking to be the best, I just suddenly really wanted to sing this.

Been feeling so lost for the longest time now, feeling like I've lost my voice (not literally but like emotionally) and wondering why I'm still doing this YT thing for all this time? I know it's because I love it, I love singing and music so much, but I've let myself fall into a trap of my own making, and I'm doing my best to break out of it. I don't want to keep making content that I'm not happy of just because it will get views/likes, that's not how I am. I wanna make the things I am proud of and would happily show you guys with a sense of childish glee and excitement. I'm still on a hiatus but I had a moment of inspiration when I heard this song from Steven Universe, it really means a lot to me. I'm gonna do my best to find myself, and sometimes I think it's so important to look inside yourself and say "it's ok" when things get bad, because throughout your worst moments, you're always there for you.

I hope to be back soon, I miss you guys so much and I miss everything, but I need to be in a better place so I can be making things with the right intention and heart behind it. I love you all a lot!

Instrumental: Phizzy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqYucAcIYRU
Vocals/Mix: Kura