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Avengers: Age of Ultron Trailer and Marvel Civil War! | NerdSync Podcast #18

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Uploaded to YouTube by: NerdSync
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 15 December 2017
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 28 October 2014



The Age of Ultron Trailer came out, and words cannot express how perfect it is!!! Scott, Chris, and Bryce talk about their favorite parts of the trailer of the upcoming Marvel movie and try to dissect the plot of the film. We're also talking about the now confirmed Civil War movie that will happen in the third Captain America movie. And there's a pretty heated debate about which side the NerdSync gang is on: Pro-registration or anti-registration! What are your thoughts about the trailer and the upcoming Captain America: Civil War? Let us know in the comments!

NOTE: This podcast was recorded before the big Marvel Event that announced the movie slate for Phase 3 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Don't hold that against us.

Scott Niswander (@ScottNiswander)
Christopher Fort (@Chris_tuffer)
Bryce Nolen (@rennyofyore)

Every Monday, the NerdSync gang likes to discuss the culture surrounding comics. From reviewing the latest comic book movies and tv shows, responding to news, exploring and debating interesting topics, interviewing other nerdy YouTubers, and even quizzing each other on their comic book knowledge!



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Merry Cotton | Leslie Harvin | Sam McNees | Phil "Buddy" Niswander | Thaddeus J Smith | Nick Speller | Miles Vinson