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animal crossing || TYSM FOR ALMOST 10K ft/ people who have helped me get to this point

Uploaded to YouTube by: Monet Lilli
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 9 August 2019
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 3 June 2017



ok so I know when I upload this I haven't got exactly 10k but pretty close so eh, but anyway

thank you guys so so so much!!! I love and appreciate every single one of you, again just thank you so so much. I remember uploading my first video and never did I ever think I would get this far, I still know that there are people out there with way more subs then me but I don't mind since 10k is still just an AMAZING amount of you and I'm so so hounded to have that many people watching my videos. I love all of you,

a message to all the people in this video,
thank you so much to everyone in this video, if just one of you weren't there i Stop correcting "wouldnt" have made it to 10k tysm, thank you stariaat for being an amazing friend, collaborating with me 2 times and for me knowing that someone who inspires so many people including me likes my content and art, thank you so much. thank you soosh your an amazing friend who stuck with me even when we didn't talk a whole heap I'm sorry about that but thank you.
thank you darlinqq for jut being an amazing animator, the amount of effort you put into your animations and the skill you have they just inspire me so much and keep me animateing myself, thanks. thank you sweetotoons for also showing me that someone who inspires so many people likes my content and thank you for all the lovely comments on my videos. thank you wolfy chu for inspiring me so much, I love your style and its what drove me to also animate in an anime related style thank you a lot. thanks yeagar your animations are just outstanding, like nothing I've ever seen before same as your art it just inspires and motivates me so so much, thank you. and thank you Emmie, for being the best online friend I've ever had, you support me every time I fall down, your always there to help me with my mistakes ily so much and ill always be here for you no matter what.

sorry for the amount of chees in that but its all the truth and i have no other way to put it

Original by MomoNiu
song: Animal Crossing by Cosmic Osmo

people in the video (in order)
stariaat: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtweSAEAMmIWwJxGEQdgpPA
sushibe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcpvE-WwI9WknPCXJB87-yg
darlinqq: https://www.youtube.com/user/Sehlinger2003
sweetotoons: https://www.youtube.com/user/jordansweeto2
wolfy chu: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_nEHeUEVNY5ZYLRWg8KoZQ
yeagar: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCET6ynhw0Q-isyyeI2TSXhA
Emmie: https://twitter.com/EmmieStitch

discord server: https://discord.gg/vgpwF
twitter: https://twitter.com/kawaiiwoofy
DeviantArt: http://kawaiiwoofy.deviantart.com/