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IceyPie - Hate Charity (Official Audio)

Uploaded to YouTube by: Nuclear Blue
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 14 September 2023
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 23 September 2020

Tags: music


More music on the way soon, stay tuned!

TWITTER https://twitter.com/IceyThePie
MERCH https://teespring.com/stores/iceypie
INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/conversatio...
ICEYPIE GAMING https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4_5...
SOUNDCLOUD https://soundcloud.com/user-281101826
BANDCAMP https://iceypie.bandcamp.com/releases

Composed and written by IceyPie
Cover artwork by Kyle20044 and IceyPie

Please compare me to all of these
Pediatric AIDS, cancer and diabetes
Please compare me to all of these
Pediatric AIDS, cancer and diabetes
Please compare me to all of these
Pediatric AIDS, cancer and diabetes
Please compare me to all of these
Pediatric AIDS, cancer and diabetes

Pediatric AIDS, pediatric cancer
Pediatric AIDS, pediatric diabetes
Pediatric AIDS, pediatric cancer
Pediatric AIDS, pediatric diabetes

You do not speak for me
You are a hate charity
You do not speak for me
You are a hate charity
You do not speak for me
You are a hate charity
You do not speak for me
You are a hate charity

You are a hate charity

You do not speak for me
You are a hate charity
You do not speak for me
You are a hate charity
You do not speak for me
You are a hate charity
You do not speak for me
You are a hate charity

You are a hate charity
You are a hate charity
You are a hate charity
You are a hate charity

Hate charity