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Dark Souls 3 Invasions: Gittin Gudder (SL25 - SL125, All Areas)

Uploaded to YouTube by: StrayKurtis
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 17 September 2018
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 16 June 2017



Prepare yourself for parries, backstabs, and obligatory point-downs as we embark on a journey to destroy all gankers.

==Donations (The PS4 Fund)==
Donate here if you'd like! Your message displayed+read on stream: https://youtube.streamlabs.com/straykurtis (Credit/Debit or PayPal)
Alternatively, donations can be made via SuperChat using the "$" icon in the bottom left corner of the chat window. (Desktop/Android only)

==Past Donations==
Vulcan Cawk - $20
Adamant Panda - $15
Blackrock215 - $5
Rofl D Bob - €1

Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/StrayKurtis
Join our Discord: https://discord.me/StrayKurtis

==Chat rules==
1) No racist, sexist, homophobic, or otherwise bigoted bullshit.
2) Turn off caps lock.
3) English preferred, but our mods have top tier Google Translate skills and we more than likely have an awesome regular that can read/speak your language.
4) Don't be a dick to people in the chat - if you absolutely feel the need to harass me that is fine, but leave the visitors out of it.

==Chat commands==
!schedule - Stream schedule
!builds - An incomplete list of builds used on this stream.
!donate - Info on donating
!discord - Link to our Discord server
!quote - Display a random quote from our lovely community
!pw - Duel/arena/co-op password.
!streak - Win streak (when working towards one)
!specs - My PC specs.
!twitter - Follow me, you know you want to.
!nil - DO IT
!ban - Feel the wrath
!lennyface - self explanatory.