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How not to surf a lift

Uploaded to YouTube by: Beno
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 24 February 2024
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 23 February 2024



Uploaded for reference only. Note that the video at 4:07 is from a certain person who is now acting like he is against lift surfing. As well as making this video he also encouraged my lift surfing back in 2015. I feel he U turned his opinions (as well as making a few snide comments about me over the years) because of how far I was progressing with a hobby, to an extent far beyond what he had ever done. He is now trying to sound like he is the voice of reason against lift surfing as a smoke screen for his real emotions. Anyway, going back to the topic of these bad tutorial videos. The dangers of telling inexperienced people to get on top lifts while fully putting trust into an unknown lift that may not be functioning currently is wrong. Someone could get stuck on a lift they are not in control off and become in a very bad situation. People who lift surf need to understand the risks of the hobby, including the basic dangers of moving machinery and the risk of getting crushed, as well as the risk of working with a machine that they do not know the situation of and testing and verifying that the said machine functions correctly in an order so that the person never become dependent on a function working before it is proven to work. Also there are the many different glitches and issues between each different lift logic that people need to be aware off.