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SDM Manchester Gathering 2012 with ThisIsFoxx & GoAlyBongo | Tino

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Uploaded to YouTube by: Teoh
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 11 May 2018
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 30 October 2012



Chris (ThisIsFoxx), Aly (GoAlyBongo) and I recap Manchester Gathering
Twitter: http://twitter.com/mrtinoforever
Facebook: http://facebook.com/mistertinoforever

CHRIS'S VIDEO: http://youtu.be/IrqA-luWiwY
ALY's VIDEO: http://youtu.be/ra5Dp8Gucmo
GIG VIDEO: http://youtu.be/0boY_i72rX0
CHRIS'S CHANNEL: http://youtube.com/ThisIsFoxx
ALY'S CHANNEL: http://youtube.com/GoAlyBongo

Manchester Gathering took place on October 27th, organised by 'Subs Don't Matter' (SDM) LukeIsNotSexy and Bestology. Everyone met from 11am to 5pm in Cathedral Gardens, before moving onto a gig where several acts played, including DaveJGiles, MusicalBethan, TomLawMusic, BriBryOnTour and myself. ThisIsFoxx, GoAlyBongo and myself talk about the gathering, the gig and the party we had afterwards, with clips of OMGHarrisonWebb, Liam Bokser, DoodleOodle, VeeEyeOne and more.

mr.tinoforever is an electro-pop musician based in London, who vlogs once a week about his life, friends, the music industry and turning pop culture into satire. Studying music journalism, he hopes to have a career working in and around music. http://www.mrtinoforever.com