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Draco & Hermione - Kidding

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Uploaded to YouTube by: EXILExVILIFY
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 2 June 2017
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 12 September 2007

Tags: Harry Potter


This video is Draco/Hermione, so it's AU. If you have a problem with that, don't watch, don't comment. Please give only fair citicism, thank you! -

It's not my best video, but I am satisfied with the result. I love this song, even if I had to shorten it since it's way too long for so few footage.

There's no real storyline, since the song says everything, but to sum it up, it's about Hermione being in love with Draco. She knows that his cold behaviour is just a facade and that he's not happy with his life full of false friends and wealth. But of course would never admit this in front of others...

Song: Imogen Heap - Kidding
Footage: Harry Potter PS, CoS, PoA, GoF, OotP

I neither own the movie nor the song. This video is fan-made and I do not earn any money with it. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED.

Enjoy and please don't forget to comment! ;)