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Runescape Get Double Torva And Divine Sigil Drops Ft. Silentc0re!!!

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Uploaded to YouTube by: AsYouShouldMyGuy
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 11 December 2018
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 1 December 2012

Tags: Runescape


Thumbs up and comment what boss you will be killing during double drop weekend and what drops you have gotten.
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==========Video Information==========
Runescape get double torva and divine sigal drops. To pump people up for the evolution of combat and get players active is bossing and pvming in the eoc Jagex is making runescape double drops weekend making it possible to get double torva drops at nex , double pernix drops , and double virtus drops , as well as double divine sigal drops from corpreal beast and double loot from the barrows chest for the weekend. Go out and make some bank!