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Hudud' is more accurate than 'Sharia Law'

Uploaded to YouTube by: Claudia Brown
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 11 November 2018
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 24 February 2017



Sidenote: I have been informed that I was saying it wrong by saying "huh-duhd" and it is more like "hoo-dood". That's what happens when you only ever read a word and then try to say it in a video (-_-')

I am just talking about the misunderstandings that happen because of the difference between what "Sharia" means as opposed to "Hudud". Often I see the two conflated as if they are the same thing, but Sharia is non specific and not useful in the context it gets used.
Some sources:

Oh yeah and sorry about the end bit cutting off a little abruptly. It was nothing important so I think I will leave it as it is.