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[Rap Verse] Sunshine and Celery Swag ~Cyril the Wolf~ | CtW

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Uploaded to YouTube by: Cyril the Wolf
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 8 August 2018
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 27 July 2012

Tags: music


~Click more for Shizz~

This is very close to my heart, and the beat really pulled it outta me in this case. My flow is pretty basic I guess, but I actually said exactly what I wanted to say...
All in one take, nailed it in six.
Thanks http://www.youtube.com/user/TemporalWalker

Full: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php%3Fnaboifid2cycfqk
Stems: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php%3F69qexpvkzfv9k7e
Dat little cute pwny by http://poizone.tumblr.com/

Floating with the flow didn't know where to go, young colt without a cutie mark to proudly show
That he could work through all the agrivation, his deep frustration driving deep contemplation

He found music, his new mark proved it. He shunned everypony and
became a hermit. For three long years he disconnected and let his soul rot alone 'til he felt perfected

This animation, brought inspiration, equine celebrations
fanned flames of motivation while he beat his wings with new
determination rising to ever greater elevations

One year later he's still moving on and always improving in crafting his songs. A true story ponified just know that I've cried and smiled more this year than in 20 years gone by

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BronyCon, Baltimore, MD - Aug 1-3 2014
MAGFest 8.5 (as staff) - September 12-14 Support me on Tad: http://givetad.com/CyrilRufus http://facebook.com/cyrilthewolf

Don't forget to check out my other Nerdy Rock/Metal videos like my Extended Cover of the Lapis Lazuli song from Steven Universe in an 80's rock Style!