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[Ember's BlizzCon2011] Part 1 - Driving To The Airport

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Uploaded to YouTube by: Ember Isolte
Date submitted to Unlisted Videos: 6 November 2016
Date uploaded/published to YouTube: 14 November 2011



Date: Wednesday, October 19, 2011.
Next BlizzCon Vlog: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lM9izXzSrTI

In this video:
- Ember's car gets a bath.
- Ember acts like her stupid self.

I attempted to vlog as we drove to the airport to pick up Cody and Mikey, so this video is just the first part of my quote-unquote BlizzCon experience. Stay tuned for more personal footage from while I was at BlizzCon. XD

Note: I know its been about a month since BlizzCon, but it's been really difficult for me to strap down and edit the little footage I did take since I miss everyone SO MUCH and once I sit down to edit, I get all emo and call it quits before I start crying like a baby! ....DX And just to warn you about the next few BlizzCon videos I'll be uploading after this: they are personal vlogs like this one as well since I didn't do any "news" type videos while we were there. I figured everyone would be hearing about the news before I even got home to upload anyway! XD